الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

A nearly minimlaistic outing!

Those who know me well probably also know I am fond of minimalism or voluntary simplicity. One of those is the dear Amr Sobhy, whom I arranged an Iftar out with this last Ramadan. We met in Shehab St., Mohandessin near Amr's previous workplace like 3 hours before Iftar.

We sat there on a wooden seat in the 'island' just in the middle of the street, watching people come and go, contemplating life but not engaging with. As we went on with talking, I cried-I was desperate these days-, but I didn't freak out I was crying in public, which I liked.

All of a sudden, I remembered I hadn't performed Asr prayer yet. We looked around for a nearby mosque but there seemed not to be any. Then a cloud bubble with a light bulb came out of my head and I yelled, "Why not pray here, on the grass?". Although I later became reluctant to the idea, Amr insisted I should not care about what others may think of me and I started praying when I remembered I hadn't originally performed Wodo' :) Another light bulb suggested I use a public tap to make wodo', this was even more weird. 

I made wodo' and prayed. It feels great to follow your beliefs and what you get to think rather than what people do.

I wish I didn't have to mention we had Iftar at the greasy Mac but that's just us, imperfect humans. Part of why we did was it was the nearest choice and Maghrib was already being called for. We ate, performed Maghrib on the same island, had a very long chat in Costa-not so minimal either?-

I returned home happy to a silly extent, thanks Amr, thanks simplicity :)

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