الجمعة، 23 سبتمبر 2011


PBE is one creation of me, the economics-illiterate me, that stands for Passion-Based Economy!

I do believe there's is not only one way to get things done, and if the world has been doing its economics in a certain fashion for hundreds of years now, that doesn't mean it has been the same always.

Our very first ancestors used the barter system to get what they needed. The use of the banknote-basted monetary system followed.

So why not adopt my system? The PBE emphasizes the importance of directing one's passion so as to be one' own career. If you love carpentry, do it and give away furniture for free. In love with teaching, gather the neighborhood's children and teach them the basics of Arabic, math and play with them too, just remember not to take a penny, just apples ;)

I can hear the question already, so how would the carpenter earn a living or the teacher feed his children?
Haven't you got it yet?

The carpenter would ask the farmer for some veggies in return of the table and so would the teacher do when he returns the farmer's children to him.

I know it resemble the barter system in some aspects but the only difference is the passion-centricity, it's all about waking up every morning to what to you really love and what you are really willing to do, which we lack in our stressful modern world. So can I hear comments please?

هناك تعليقان (2):

hope grave يقول...

Great vision, not only economical but a whole new Lifestyle
i'd say let's give it a try
but to be honest i think there might be some reasons (less than a million) that will make it not applicable, for a begining let's say:

1-Humans are filthy bags of skin full of shit

OmarHammam يقول...

got more points?