A charming-sounding word, especially if you properly pronounce it /seks/, not /sɪks/!
Well, I am not trying to sexually arouse you, reader; I just want to invite you to go on a reflection journey rarely made on SEX. Have you ever thought about the beauty of making love? Have you ever reflected on the nobility of this higher human need? Look at the fusion between a man's body and a woman's; It's rather a dance of love than an animal lust quenched; it's a special kind of integration only a human being experience.
At what point did humanity embrace that dualism concerning the human being? When were we thought to be a divine soul and an animal body? I do believe having sex is the highest human activity Allah has granted us.
I think we went on through our history to deal with that issue naturally and intuitively till the christian age, many of the fathers of the church, for example St. Augustine, considered sex as s less favorable human action. Although Islamic views tried to correct these distorted images of sex in the human consensus, I believe it's still badly embedded. We still look down upon sex, talk about it secretly and objectify it greatly.
One of the more recent reasons, I think, is consumerism that used the women bodies as commodities and as triggers for selling merchandise. The same culture of blue movies contributed to a very deviated perception of sex in our minds.
Please wait for a sequel, I am waiting for your comments too :)
هناك 5 تعليقات:
اتمنى ماتضايقش لو كتبت الكومنت بالعربي..لغتي المفضلة..
اتمنى اضيف ان الكثير من الفكرة المغلوطة عن الجنس في مجتمعاتنا هذه الايام هو قلة المعلومات عنه او كما احب ان اقول اخفاء الحقائق الهامة المتعلقة به.
الاهتمام بالجنس او العملية الجنسية نفسها كان لها نصيب في الاسلام كما تعودنا في كل مسائل الحياة الهامة وهذه نقطة هامة غائبة عن الكثير من المسئولين عن ايصال فكر العملية الجنسية.
فبالرغم من اهميتها الا انها محرمة الذكر في المجتمع المصري واصبح الحديث عنها Taboo سواء بالنسبة للرجل او الانثى.فأصبح الحصول عليها من المصادر الرخيصة اسهل وابسط واقل بعثا على الاحراج فزادت في الحرمانية في نظر الشباب .
كنت اتمنى ان يكون الاهتمام بالتربية الجنسية الصحيحة جزء من التربية الحديثة للاسرة المسلمة او المسيحية ولكنه للاسف اصبح لعنة لمن يتحدث عنه او يفكر فيه..!
niceee omar ,, great :)
Totally agree, but you know i gotta try first
Loved the post, you touched several important points.. we are still raised to hate sex and our bodies. It's sad.
why not initiate such a thing on radio sakia?
luck you liked it
soon ya a7mad isA ;)
@ahmed awadallah
it's creepy :(
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